Monday, October 24, 2011

Class 3

Today's class was very exciting and lots of fun. The morning started off having groups share their "training sessions" on the various programs that help with reading and writing. Each program seems wonderful. It was nice to see that Natural Reader is available as a free demo. Our group shared the program WYNN. Throughout my exploration with WYNN I found it very easy to use, with its 4 rotating toolbars. Kursweil is very similar to WYNN and so I'm looking forward to next class when we all have the opportunity to try it out.

In the afternoon we had the chance to play around with i-Pod touches provided by our instructor. Oh what fun it was! I now know what will be on my Christmas list!! I have little experience with these devices so it was great just having the time to experiment with the i-Pods, checking out all the apps. Many of the apps were fantastic, but I have decided to mention a few here that I really enjoyed. The bubble popper was one of my favorites and is very addictive. That evening I had my husband install it on his i-Phone so he could try it out, and he too thought it was great. Cookie Doodle is an excellent app to have students follow directions, use measurements and even get to design their own cookie with sprinkles and icing. Sentence Builders is an app that would be very useful for students struggling with both reading and writing. And of course I couldn't forget Pictello. I can't say enough about how wonderful this app is and how valuable it can be in the classroom for all students.


5 Ways to Use Pictello with Students:
  • Health Lesson - steps to show how to brush your teeth
  • Morning Routine for special needs student - hang coat and backpack, take message bag to classroom, sit at desk and read book, stand for O Canada
  • LA Journal writing - have students share a special moment
  • Art Activity - steps to follow: first paint the picture, next add sparkles and feathers, then cut out, and last glue on construction paper.
  • Math Activity - sequencing
Pictello can be used for a whole group activity where the teacher uses Pictello to demonstrate or the program could be used individually by students.

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